图形外部加文字 r语言_将外部图形卡连接到笔记本电脑的最佳方法
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图形外部加文字 r语言

Laptops, especially gaming laptops, are a study in compromises. Smaller machines are lighter and easier to travel with, but bigger, heavier boxes offer the dedicated graphics cards necessary for high-end gaming. An external graphics card let you have your cake (no lie) and eat it too.

笔记本电脑,尤其是游戏笔记本电脑,是一项折衷研究。 较小的机器更轻便,更易于携带,但更大,更重的盒子提供高端游戏所需的专用图形卡。 外部显卡可以让您吃蛋糕(不要撒谎),也可以吃。

什么是eGPU? (What Is an eGPU?)

An external GPU (or eGPU for short) is a dedicated box that combines an open PCIe slot, a desktop-style power supply, and a full-sized graphics card that plugs into your laptop. When you do, you have gaming desktop power and connectivity without sacrificing those svelte modern laptop designs.

外部GPU(或简称为eGPU)是一个专用的盒子,它结合了开放的PCIe插槽,台式机电源和可插入笔记本电脑的全尺寸图形卡。 当您这样做时,您将拥有游戏台式机的功能和连接能力,而无需牺牲那些精巧的现代笔记本电脑设计。

This sort of thing has been attempted before, but recently there has been a rise in these products. The high data and video bandwidth in single-cable connections like USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt 3 has finally enabled the kind of lightning-quick connections needed to offload GPU processing to external hardware, while still relying on a laptop’s internal motherboard for standard computing. An extra bonus: a lot of external GPUs come with extra USB ports, Ethernet, and more, which means it’s easy to plug and play with a ton of extra hardware, like multiple monitors or gaming keyboards and mice.

以前已经尝试过这种事情,但是最近这些产品出现了增长。 USB 3.0和Thunderbolt 3等单电缆连接中的高数据和视频带宽终于使闪电般的连接成为可能,这种连接将GPU处理工作卸载到外部硬件,同时仍然依靠笔记本电脑的内部主板进行标准计算。 一个额外的好处:许多外部GPU带有额外的USB端口,以太网等,这意味着可以很容易地插入和播放大量额外的硬件,例如多台显示器或游戏键盘和鼠标。

At the moment, the de facto standard for this high-bandwidth operation is Thunderbolt 3. With a 40 Gbps connection that can handle simultaneous video, audio, data, and an Internet connection, plus up to 100 watts of power on supported hardware, it’s a single cable that really can do it all. And since it uses the standardized USB-C port (the one found on the new Macbook, later revisions of the XPS 13, and more and more laptops every day), it’s becoming more adaptable from a pure hardware perspective.

目前,这种高带宽操作的事实上的标准是Thunderbolt3。它具有40 Gbps的连接能力,可以同时处理视频,音频,数据和Internet连接,再加上支持的硬件上高达100瓦的功率,一根真正可以完成所有操作的电缆。 而且,由于它使用标准化的USB-C端口(在新的Macbook,XPS 13的更高版本以及每天越来越多的笔记本电脑上发现的端口),因此从纯硬件的角度来看,它变得越来越适应。

That said, software is another issue. Right now most external GPU systems rely on fairly complex and specific drivers, enabling laptops to hand over the load from their integrated graphics chip to the dedicated NVIDIA or AMD graphics card. This is some complex stuff, so universal solutions are rare, and companies like Dell and Razer only support external graphics on specific laptop models. Some more general options, as well as older standards like USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt 2, offer more options but poorer graphics performance.

也就是说,软件是另一个问题。 目前,大多数外部GPU系统都依赖于相当复杂和特定的驱动程序,从而使笔记本电脑能够将负载从其集成图形芯片移交给专用的NVIDIA或AMD显卡。 这是一些复杂的事情,因此通用解决方案很少见,戴尔和Razer等公司仅在特定笔记本电脑型号上支持外部图形。 一些更通用的选项以及较旧的标准(例如USB 3.0和Thunderbolt 2)提供了更多选项,但图形性能较差。

现在市场上最好的eGPU选项 (The Best eGPU Options On the Market Right Now)

Update: The eGPU landscape has changed since we originally published this article in 2017. Here are our picks for .

更新 :自我们于2017年最初发布此文章以来,eGPU的格局已发生变化。以下是 。

Unfortunately, external GPUs are still an emerging segment, and several years after the first models were introduced they remain thin on the ground. Here are the current options from the major PC manufacturers.

不幸的是,外部GPU仍然是新兴的市场,在推出首批模型之后的几年,它们仍然处于薄弱状态。 以下是主要PC制造商的最新选择。

雷蛇核心 (Razer Core)

Price: $500 Connection: Thunderbolt 3 Compatibility: and

价格 :500美元连接 :Thunderbolt 3 兼容性 : 和

This is probably the best-known external graphics setup, if only by dint of Razer’s sheer presence in the desktop gaming accessory space. The is a little black box that manages to still be attractive, thanks to a beefy 500-watt power supply for the biggest and baddest graphics cards, built-in USB 3.0 connections for external drives and accessories, and dedicated Ethernet for fast online connections. It has room for the largest AMD and NVIDIA GPUs on the market, compatible with double slot cards up to 12.2 inches (310mm) long. It’s also the most stylish option on this list, with support for Razer’s open Chroma RGB lighting API.

如果仅凭Razer在台式机游戏配件领域的绝对实力,这可能是最著名的外部图形设置。 是一个小小的黑匣子,它仍然具有吸引力,这要归功于强大和强大的500瓦电源(用于最大和最坏的图形卡),内置USB 3.0连接(用于外部驱动器和配件)以及专用于快速在线的以太网连接。 它具有容纳市场上最大的AMD和NVIDIA GPU的空间,可兼容长达12.2英寸(310毫米)的双插槽卡。 它也是此列表中最时尚的选项,并支持Razer的开放式Chroma RGB照明API。

But at $500—without the graphics card itself—it’s one of the most pricey. Razer says it doesn’t limit the functionality of the Thunderbolt 3 graphics connection to its own machines, but the only laptops certified to work with the Core are Razer’s Blade and Blade Stealth, which are more expensive and offer fewer customization options than many competitors. Trying out the Core with more generic systems , so purchasing it without a companion Razer laptop is something of a crapshoot.

但是售价500美元(不含显卡本身)是最昂贵的显卡之一。 Razer表示,它不会将Thunderbolt 3图形连接的功能限制在其自己的计算机上,但是唯一经认证可与Core配合使用的笔记本电脑是Razer的Blade和Blade Stealth,它们比许多竞争对手更昂贵并且提供更少的自定义选项。 在更通用的系统试用Core的 ,因此在没有配套的Razer笔记本电脑的情况下购买Core实在是件麻烦事。

Alienware Graphics Amplifier


Price: $200 Connection: Proprietary Compatibility: Alienware 13, 15, 17

价格 :200美元连接 :专有兼容性 :Alienware 13,15,17

Dell’s gaming sub-brand Alienware is on board with the eGPU revolution, and as you might suspect, its offering is one of the cheapest on the market. What the lacks in panache it makes up for with its $200 price tag (without the GPU and laptop, of course). It’s also the only eGPU option from a major brand to use the older USB 3.0 standard, which unfortunately means compatibility with AMD XConnect, AMD’s semi-proprietary set of drivers for easily handling eGPUs, is out. You have a variety of compatible laptop options, from the relatively tiny Alienware 13 to the monstrous Alienware 17…which probably doesn’t need an external GPU for most games anyway.

戴尔的游戏子品牌Alienware即将迎来eGPU革命,您可能会怀疑,它的产品是市场上最便宜的产品之一。 不足之处在于它以200美元的价格进行了弥补(当然没有GPU和笔记本电脑)。 这也是主要品牌使用旧版USB 3.0标准的唯一eGPU选项,不幸的是,这意味着与AMD XConnect的兼容性已消失,AMD XConnect是AMD的半专有驱动程序集,可轻松处理eGPU。 您可以使用多种兼容的笔记本电脑选项,从相对较小的Alienware 13到可怕的Alienware 17……无论如何,大多数游戏可能都不需要外部GPU。

But that lower price tag does come with a few sacrifices. The Amplifier is limited to graphics cards that are 10.5 inches long, making some of the most bombastic NVIDIA and AMD models incompatible. While the Graphics Amplifier has four USB 3.0 ports for expansion, there’s no Ethernet port, meaning you have one extra cable to plug in to your laptop if you want the fastest gaming connection. It’s also a real bummer that Dell is only supporting Alienware laptops, rather than including their more utilitarian XPS line—which would make for a fantastic combination.

但是,较低的价格确实有一些牺牲。 该放大器仅限于10.5英寸长的图形卡,从而使某些最夸张的NVIDIA和AMD型号不兼容。 图形放大器有四个USB 3.0端口用于扩展,但没有以太网端口,这意味着如果您想要最快的游戏连接,则可以使用一根额外的电缆插入笔记本电脑。 戴尔只支持Alienware笔记本电脑,而不是包括更实用的XPS产品线,这真是太可惜了。

PowerColor Devil Box


Price: $450 Connection: Thunderbolt 3 Compatibility: any PC with Thunderbolt eGFX

价格 :$ 450 连接 :Thunderbolt 3 兼容性 :任何具有Thunderbolt eGFX的PC

PowerColor is a GPU and accessory maker, not a dedicated system-seller like Razer or Dell. Appropriately, the sinister is allegedly compatible with any Windows-based PC that can use a Thunderbolt 3 port with external graphics, plus any AMD or NVIDIA graphics card (including those not made by PowerColor itself). The box supports all the bells and whistles of the Razer Core, including oversized GPUs, an Ethernet connection, and up to 375 watts of power to the graphics card. It even has an internal SATA III slot for sliding in a 2.5″ hard drive or SSD for backup or external storage—a nice touch.

PowerColor是GPU和配件制造商,而不是像Razer或Dell这样的专用系统销售商。 据说,险恶的可以与任何使用Thunderbolt 3端口并带有外部图形的Windows PC兼容,还可以与任何AMD或NVIDIA图形卡(包括PowerColor本身不制造的显卡)兼容。 盒子支持Razer Core的所有功能,包括超大GPU,以太网连接以及图形卡最高375瓦的电源。 它甚至具有一个内部SATA III插槽,可插入2.5英寸硬盘驱动器或SSD以用于备份或外部存储-感觉不错。

The Devil Box is a bit pricey at $450, but the potential for multi-system compatibility is probably worth the extra money for anyone planning on keeping it through multiple laptop and GPU upgrades. The “tramp stamp” and “DEVIL” branding might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but hey, you can always throw it under your desk.

Devil Box价格为450美元,有点贵,但对于打算通过多个笔记本电脑和GPU升级来保持它的人来说,多系统兼容性的潜力可能值得他们多花钱。 “流浪汉邮票”和“ DEVIL”品牌可能并不是每个人的茶,但是,您可以随时将其扔在桌子下面。

MSI Gaming Dock


Price: Bundled only  with the MSI Shadow GS30 Connection: Proprietary Compatibility: MSI Shadow GS30/32

价格 :仅与MSIUndertowGS30 连接捆绑:专有兼容性 :MSIUndertowGS30 / 32

The MSI Gaming Dock, available only in an expensive bundle with the company’s gaming-branded , is the least versatile option on this list. That said, it isn’t really trying for the same market: the Gaming Dock is a companion device, which crams in extras like a 2.1 speaker setup, microphone and headphone ports, a full-sized SATA 3.5″ slot, and a Killer brand networking card. It’s designed to sit right below the laptop as an elaborate stand, as the proprietary connector plugs directly into the bottom of the notebook. The slightly newer Gaming Dock Mini is sleeker and more angular, but omits the speakers and adds vents for passive cooling.

仅与该公司游戏品牌捆绑销售的MSI游戏坞站是此列表中功能最差的选项。 就是说,它并没有真正在同一个市场上尝试:Gaming Dock是一个伴侣设备,它包含2.1扬声器设置,麦克风和耳机端口,全尺寸SATA 3.5英寸插槽以及Killer品牌等附加功能。网卡。 它的设计目的是作为精致的支架坐在笔记本电脑的正下方,因为专有的连接器直接插入笔记本电脑的底部。 稍稍较新的Gaming Dock Mini更加时尚,棱角分明,但省略了扬声器,并增加了用于被动散热的通风Kong。

The Gaming Dock is really only an option if you’re absolutely sure you want the Shadow GS30 in particular…and since neither it nor the Dock have been significantly updated in quite a while, that’s probably not a great idea unless you find it on a massive discount.

如果您确实要特别想要Shadow GS30,那么游戏基座实际上只是一个选择……并且由于它和Dock都没有经过相当长时间的更新,因此除非您在台式机上找到它,否则这可能不是一个好主意。大量折扣。

即将推出的设计 (Upcoming Designs)

The above are all available now, but if you’re willing to wait, there are a few more eGPU solutions on the horizon, including:


  • : The XG Station 2 is the only eGPU tool so far will be explicitly compatible with a Windows tablet: the new premium ASUS Transformer Book line. (It’s like a Surface Pro, only Taiwanese.) It’s also compatible with one of the more powerful builds of Intel’s teeny-tiny NUC computer, though plugging it into a small desktop would seem to defeat the point of a plug-and-play system. The only major downer here is that ASUS is taking its sweet time getting the ROG XG Station 2 to market: nearly two months after announcement, there’s no hint of a release date or price.

    :XG Station 2是迄今为止唯一可与Windows平板电脑明确兼容的eGPU工具:新型高级ASUS Transformer Book系列。 (这就像Surface Pro,只不过是台湾语。)它还与Intel的小巧NUC计算机功能更强大的版本之一兼容,尽管将其插入小型台式机似乎无法解决即插即用系统的问题。 。 唯一的主要缺点是华硕花了甜蜜的时间将ROG XG Station 2推向市场:宣布后将近两个月,没有任何发布日期或价格的迹象。

  • Gigabyte GP-T3GFx: like the Devil Box above, Gigabyte’s alphabet soup of an eGPU enclosure is designed with maximum compatibility in mind. It can handle the largest graphics cards and should work with and Thunderbolt 3 eGFX-compatible system, though this vertical design does omit extras like USB ports and SATA slots. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen hide nor hair of the in-progress product since Gigabyte showed it off last summer, thought it’s officially still coming.

    技嘉GP-T3GFx :就像上面的魔鬼盒子一样,技嘉的eGPU机箱的字母汤在设计时考虑了最大的兼容性。 它可以处理最大的图形卡,并且可以与兼容Thunderbolt 3 eGFX的系统一起使用,尽管这种垂直设计确实省略了USB端口和SATA插槽等额外功能。 不幸的是,自从技嘉去年夏天向公众展示该产品以来,我们还没有发现它的隐藏物或发丝。

  • : this Kickstarter project is an eGPU designed with Mac users in mind. In addition to the absolutely requisite aluminum enclosure, it’s sealed with either an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 or 1060 inside, and trying to swap out the card will void the warranty. The upside is that it’s smaller and more portable than other eGPU products. The Wolfe production team still claims that the product is coming on its website, but after due to Thunderbolt licensing issues, the future is looking grim.

    :这个Kickstarter项目是一个eMac,专为Mac用户而设计。 除了绝对必要的铝制外壳外,它内部还用NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050或1060密封,尝试换出该卡将使保修无效。 好处是,它比其他eGPU产品更小,更便携。 Wolfe生产团队仍然声称该产品即将在其网站上发布,但是由于Thunderbolt许可问题而后,未来前景黯淡。

Others may be on the way in the further future, but this is what we know right now.


DIY选项:滚动自己的eGPU (The DIY Option: Roll Your Own eGPU)

None of the above tickling your fancy? It is possible to make your own eGPU with a mix of the right cables, a PCIe port mounted on a custom slice of motherboard, and a separate desktop power supply. The bad news is that this is still largely unexplored territory, supported by and a handful of part suppliers. offer an all-in-one solution, but the bandwidth for graphics is lower than the products above, and driver support can be iffy. More generalized PCIe adapters require a custom case or an open air setup, and there’s often no way of knowing it will work with a specific laptop except to actual build it, install drivers, and plug it in. For the time being, the retail eGPUs are probably a safer if more expensive bet—you can always return them if they don’t work.

上面的那些都不会让你发痒吗? 它可以使自己的eGPU用正确的电缆的混合中,PCIe端口安装在主板上的自定义切片,和一个单独的桌面的电源。 坏消息是,这仍然是一个尚未开发的领域,得到和少数零件供应商的支持。 提供了多合一的解决方案,但图形带宽低于上述产品,并且驱动程序支持也很有限。 更通用的PCIe适配器需要自定义机箱或露天设置,通常没有办法知道它是否可以与特定的笔记本电脑配合使用,除非实际构建,安装驱动程序并将其插入。目前,零售eGPU如果投注金额更高,则可能更安全-如果它们不起作用,您可以随时退还。

Image Credit: /Flickr

图片来源: / Flickr


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